Μπρωστα Στα Κολπα (Deny D song)

Discover the catchy tune that has taken the music world by storm! "Mprosta Sta Kolpa" by Deny D is a high-energy track that will have you dancing in no time. With a digital release date of October 25, 2015, this song is a must-listen for any fan of upbeat and modern music. Take advantage of this hit song that will get stuck in your head. Get your copy today!

"I was riding my motorcycle through the streets of Athens, Greece, one night when I felt inspired to create a song for the subculture of street bikers. I have wanted to write a song for this group for some time now, as many songs are associated with them. This unique group can be found on public roads and private venues, and they love to make the most of their passion for biking." ing music for them is definitely an advantage."
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